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13 years ago | 16023 Views
Why should Mthwakazi remain part of Zimbabwe?
5 Mavikinduku


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Malema 13 years
Because Matabelez invaded Zimbabwe
Malema 13 years
So you mean to tell me that Matabelez are originally Zimbabweans?
Malema 13 years
Who are the Vendas? My close friend who is Venda tells me that Venda spirit mediums speaks in Shona maybe you can verify that. Are Kalangas not Shona?
Anonymous user 13 years
ONES - If this Malema (shona) character is suggesting that the Amandebele are foreigners, then his own pathetic tribe falls into the same catagory. They too are migrants, who came from the North and massacred the original inhabitants. The first known residents of the land between the Zambesi and the southern most Cape in South Africa, were the Koi San, whose remnants can be found around the Tsholotsho area of Mthwakasi, and are an incorporated part of the Ndebele people. Guess the ignoromus who calls himself Malema is not aware of this piece of history.
Anonymous user 13 years
JONES - By the way "Malema" why choose an Nguni name to hide behind. Are you by chance ashmed of your own origins?
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